Microbiology, Immunology and Infectious Disease Research Faculty
Jorge A. Benitez, Ph.D.
Research Interest: Molecular pathogenesis of cholera and related enteric infections;
vaccine development.
Email: jbenitez@msm.edu
Vincent C. Bond, Ph.D.
Research Interest: Understanding host-HIV-1 interactions leading to pathogenesis.
Host manipulation by HIV-1.
Email: vbond@msm.edu
Qing He, Ph.D.
Research Interest: Cellular and molecular mechanisms of Chlamydia trachomatis pathogenesis.
Email: qhe@msm.edu
Lilly Cheng Immergluck, M.D., M.S.C.R., FAAP
Research Interest: Epidemiology of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in children.
Email: limmergluck@msm.edu
James Lillard, Ph.D, M.B.A.
Research Interest: Role of chemokines in modulating mucosal immunity, inflammation,
and cancer cell metastasis.
Email: jlillard@msm.edu
Yusuf Omosun, Ph.D.
Research Interest: Therapeutic strategies in the treatment of Chlamydia trachomatis.
Email: yomosun@msm.edu
Michael D. Powell, Ph.D.
Research Interest: Role of cellular factors in the regulation of HIV-1 reverse transcription.
Email: mpowell@msm.edu
Anisia Silva-Benitez, Ph.D.
Research Interest: Regulation of Vibrio cholerae infection and pathogenesis.
Email: asilva-benitez@msm.edu
Jonathan Stiles, Ph.D.
Research Interest: Molecular and cellular biology of Trypanosoma -, Plasmodium- , and Trichomonas-induced pathogenesis.
Email: jstiles@msm.edu